Planning Your Stay

Plan Ahead

Planning ahead and knowing what to expect during your stay at ACMH Hospital can help ease your fears and give you a sense of control over your care.

Insurance and Billing

imageContact your insurance company. Most insurance companies require that you notify them about a hospital stay before you are admitted. Please contact your insurance company before you go to the hospital with any questions about your coverage.

Click HERE for more information on billing and insurance.

A Financial Customer Service Representative is available in the ACMH hospital main lobby Monday-Friday from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm. The Representative can process payments and provide information on Financial Assistance.

Questions? Feel free to call Patient Accounting at 724-543-8164

Office in the Main Lobby -  Available M-F 7:30am to 3:30pm
Bill payment
• Obtain itemized bills
• Financial Assistance information
• Billing questions

ACMH is partnering with AblePay to help you manage out-of-pocket medical expenses, saving you money and time!
As an AblePay member, you have flexible payment options on every ACMH bill and the full support of AblePay billing experts if you have a question. The program is NO-COST and works with any  primary health insurance, including Medicare. It can be used by those who have no health insurance and are considered “self-pay”.  You can also include family members on your  AblePay account. 

  • They process payments for medical providers on behalf of their members, reducing their expenses.
  • They deliver providers prompt payment. Hence they are willing to accept our reimbursement as payment in full, allowing us to offer all the benefits membership provides.
  • Once enrolled, show your AblePay card during your next appointment. AblePay receives your charges and pays the provider per their agreed rate.
  • When you are notified via email and text, you will have 5 days to decide how much you wish to save by choosing the payment option that works for you!

  • The convenient AblePay Member Portal makes paying and tracking medical expenses easy and efficient.
  • Their team of medical claim experts is always available to answer questions and will even reach out to the providers billing staff on your behalf if needed.

  • To begin enjoying the benefits of your AblePay Health Membership, visit:
  • Enrolling is simple and within minutes you will be on your way to saving with AblePay Health!

Visiting Hours

Medical/Surgical Nursing Unit

  • 11:00 AM – 8:00 PM

Behavioral Health Unit


Obstetrics/Gynecology Unit

  • Fathers: 24 hours
  • Siblings: May visit at any time, but may not spend the night
  • All Others: 11:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Quiet Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Skilled Nursing Unit

  • Unlimited visitation


  • 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
  • 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
  • 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Condition H:

An Extra Layer of Protection for Our Patients

At ACMH Hospital, our goal is to work closely with patients and families to ensure that we provide the best care possible. The best healthcare is the result of an ongoing partnership that includes good communication among the patient, family members and care givers.

Condition H (Condition Help) has been implemented at ACMH and hospitals nationwide as an additional safety measure. It gives patients and their families a voice, enabling them to call for help immediately if they feel a patient is not receiving adequate medical attention. By offering patients and their families the option to call Condition H, ACMH encourages you to partner with us in your healthcare.

TO ACTIVATE CONDITION H: Call the hospital operator by pressing “0” on the telephone by the patient bed or call 724-543-8500. Give the operator the following information:  Your name (if not the patient), patient’s name and location, and your concern. The operator activates Condition H and notifies staff to come to the room to address the concern.

Telehealth appointments are now available in our PCP offices!


  • Photo ID, such as a driver’s license or state ID
  • Insurance card and information
  • Names and phone numbers of family members or friends to contact in an emergency


  • Pajamas, robe, slippers and socks for your comfort
  • Toiletries, such as shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste and lotion
  • Comfortable clothes to wear home
  • Glasses and contact lens
  • Walkers, crutches, canes, hearing aids or magnifying glasses labeled clearly with your name


  • A written list of past hospitalizations, illnesses, surgeries and allergies (if this is your first visit to ACMH)
  • A copy of your Advance Directives, including the Living Will or Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, if you have such documents
  • A list of prescription and over-the-counter medications, dosages and schedule


Valuables such as jewelry or a large amount of cash

  • On the day you are admitted to ACMH, park in Lot 2 (parking is free for all patients and  visitors), and proceed through Entrance E. You will see Patient Check-In directly in front of you.
  • At Patient Check-In, our admitting staff will ask you to sign a form that permits the hospital to release information to your insurance company, Medicare or Medicaid.


All of our patient rooms are private, and designed for your comfort and safety.

We take every step to ensure our patients are in a safe, sterilized environment during their stay. Please discuss concerns about your room with our staff. Rooms at ACMH include the following:

  • Electronically-operated beds
  • Bedside table and cabinets for your personal belongings
  • Telephone with your own number to make and receive calls (local calls are free)
  • Television

Your Meals
Our Nutrition Services Department strives to meet all of your dietary needs.  Your diet may be modified to meet the requirements of your medical condition.  Alternative options are available for most diets; just ask any member of the nursing staff for more information. 


Hospitalist Program

At ACMH, we have a hospitalist program that operates 24/7. The term "hospitalist" refers to a physician who specializes in treating hospitalized patients. You may see a hospitalist at the request of your primary care physician. Please be assured that the hospitalists have access to your past medical history and other relevant information from your primary care physician. Upon discharge, all of your information regarding your stay, such as discharge instructions and changes in medications will be communicated to your primary care physician.

Billing &


Learn More


Feel free to call Patient Accounting at 724-543-8164.